Chewing gum can help with a dry mouth and in some cases, the prevention of cavities, but is it true that chewing gum can also reduce the appearance of a double chin or tighten the skin? Let’s investigate what the science says.
There are published studies that conclude gum chewing does in fact improve chewing performance [1], but these studies showed the most improvement was seen in those with a certain facial profile and bone structure. The reason for this is that individuals with a longer face are subject to a lower level of bite force leading to a chewing deficiency [1]. Chewing is a response to a functional need so for these individuals, chewing gum can strengthen muscles that will combat their chewing deficiency. However, this applies to a slim percentage of the population. For most, the masticatory response is sufficient, and chewing gum won’t have much of an impact on their jaw muscles or bite.
If you tighten your muscles by working them out, can you slim down a double chin by working out your jaw muscles? Not exactly. The most common cause of a double chin is excess fat and spot reduction, or working out a specific muscle to tone it, has been debunked in many studies [2]. If you want to lose fat in a specific area, you must decrease your overall body fat. Therefore, weight loss will be the most effective way to reduce the appearance of a double chin. Something else to consider is that with the increased usage of electronic devices today, many find they have a “tech neck” from looking down at a screen all day. Neck exercises help with posture, and this may lessen the look of a double chin as well.
While chewing gum may not reduce chin fat or give you stronger jaw muscles, it can help increase salivary flow for those with a dry mouth and if it has xylitol, it can help prevent cavities [3]. However, gum should not be chewed excessively because overworking the jaw muscles can lead to muscle fatigue, jaw joint pain, and inflammation. Additionally, if people clench and grind their teeth at night, their jaw pain can be exacerbated by chewing gum as the muscles are then working overtime day and night. If you do decide to chew gum during the day, be sure it’s sugar-free. If you’re chewing on sugary gum all day, not only will it be stressful on your jaw, but it could also lead to cavities.
In summation, chewing gum will not tighten your jaw muscles or reduce the appearance of a double chin. However, if you chew gum with beneficial ingredients like xylitol, you can increase salivary flow and prevent cavities.