ORAL Probiotics
A complete guide to understanding the oral microbiome
Over 700 species
of both good and bad bacteria
populate our mouths all day, every day

A healthy population
of good bacteria
is the key to creating a microbiome
eliminates bad breath, reduces cavities and fights
gum inflammation.

Bad bacteria
(Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, & hundreds of other species)
is constantly regenerating and populating the micro crevasses on your teeth and gums. They create a film on your teeth that leads to plaque and tartar.
These bad bacteria consume sugar from your food and produce waste in the form of acid and volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). The acid creates cavities and the VSCs cause bad breath.

is constantly regenerating and populating the micro crevasses on your teeth and gums. They create a film on your teeth that leads to plaque and tartar.
These bad bacteria consume sugar from your food and produce waste in the form of acid and volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). The acid creates cavities and the VSCs cause bad breath.
GOOD bacteria
(lactobacillus plantarum, streptococcus salivarius, etc)
crowd out and fight the bad bacteria. They keep the bad bacteria population under control and keep the oral microbiome in a healthy balance.

crowd out and fight the bad bacteria. They keep the bad bacteria population under control and keep the oral microbiome in a healthy balance.
Lack of brushing, poor quality foods/high sugar, lack of water, and dry mouth can lead to an over-population of bad bacteria.

Additionally, when you brush with toothpaste (which has soap) or rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash, you are essentially sterilizing your mouth and killing all the good AND bad bacteria.
Unfortunately, the bad bacteria tends to grow back fast and often over-populate your mouth before the good bacteria has time to fight. (This is why we often hear stories of people who regularly use mouthwash but have bad breath)
So how do you improve oral microbiome?
Dental probiotics for oral and sinus support

Dental probiotics are chewable tablets
with concentrated amounts of the healthy bacteria your mouth needs. Chewed once a day before bed (after brushing/flossing/rinsing), these tablets populate your mouth with the good stuff first!

This leaves less opportunity for the bad bacteria to take hold.
By repeating this process on a daily basis, studies have shown that you can truly change the microbiome of your mouth and increase the population of good bacteria while subsequently reducing the population of bad bacteria.
This process is often referred to as Microbiome Rejevenation Therapy or Bacterial Replacement Therapy.
Studies have shown that clinical grade
dental probiotics reduce plaque, cavities, gum inflammation and bad breath
over brushing and flossing alone. Further, they help improve the upper respiratory immunity in both children and adults.